Homeland Arts

Homeland Arts

write your own story, one page at a time!



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everyone needs a space, soley for themselves...

even if it is inside the pages of a notebook.

Modern Scribble Oblong

Some of Our Designs

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can be found

worldwide here...

Modern Scribble Oblong

About Us

Welcome to Homeland Arts, we believe that everyone needs a space solely for themselves, even if it is inside the pages of a notebook.

Our Amazon store offers a wide variety of journals and notebooks for you to choose from, each one unique and perfect for your personal needs.

Whether you're a writer, artist, student, or just need a place to jot down your thoughts, Homeland Arts has something for you. Our journals are made with high-quality paper that is perfect for writing, drawing, or sketching.

At Homeland Arts, we believe that the act of writing is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-expression. That's why we offer journals to help you explore your thoughts and emotions.

So why not join us on Amazon and find the perfect notebook for you? It's a small but meaningful step towards creating a space that is solely yours, where you can explore your innermost thoughts and feelings.

In addition to Lauren’s creative work, she is an advocate for Autism, actively contributing ​to and using Homeland Arts to raise awareness.

Monster Maze (Ghouls Have Problems Too!) was originally published in 2018 and written ​by Lauren and her son Callum. It has received praise in schools around the UK and even ​used as a resource in Japan, America and Malaysia.

Lauren has qualifications in teaching, specifically to children with learning difficulties.

She also is the daughter of Roy Michael the singer songwriter and has collaborated with ​him in his music, they both have their albums on all streaming platforms. Check out her ​website by clicking the link above, or clicking here

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Ms. Lauren

copyright 2023 homeland arts

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